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Rock 105.3 - The Northwoods Classic Rock Station

What a week!

By Duff Damos Mar 28, 2022 | 8:31 AM

Well, thank GOD this past week is done!  The ice storms not only make things rough for all folks at home with power outages it really does BAD things to broadcasting.  I will quickly explain when there are difficulties in the Northwoods with power it’s not good as you probably know.  Now, we have generators at our transmitters and in the studio building but there are times when things just don’t work right.  It’s a royal pain in the ass.  It was a rough week in the building and at our transmitters.  I won’t go in to lots of boring detail but I will thank you ALL for your patience and your concern.  Not ONE complaint.  Everybody understands in situations like this.  Our engineer, Erick Burnstad is Super Man!!!  I don’t even want to know how many miles he put on last week going from site to site, fixing issues and getting us back on the air.  We can’t thank him enough for that call in the middle of the night and saying “I’m on the way”.  It’s a team effort.  From the amazing Engineer, all the folks here in the building, our staff in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and of course our great listeners.  Thank you and hopefully that’s it for this year as far as all that frozen crap!!!!!!!!